Customer Support

Our customers must effectively use every piece of consumables, every single spare part, every laboratory equipment unit or processing & packaging machine.

Once the customer decide to work with us, we are establishing partnership relations in solving any customer challenge or problem with our products immediately and effectively via phone, email, remote live support or on site visit. We are providing installation and training, instrument services, validation services and application support.

Together with our customers we are defining their short-term and long-term needs and secure a necessary stock of consumables and spares for smooth customers operation.

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Food Analysis

Isolators – sterility testing, aseptic & aseptic-toxic applications

Testing chambers - accelerated weathering, light stability and corrosion

Lab filtration & sample preparation

Microbiological Quality Control

Particle size and shape analysis

Biologics Quality Control

Flow Cytometry

Cell Culture Media & Buffers

Cell and Gene Therapy

Protein Analysis

Life Science Research

Bioreactors | Fermenters

Process Chromatography

Aseptic Fluid Management

Biopharmaceutical manufacturing

Process analytical technology (PAT) and Data analytics

Particle characterization in process applications

Customized production isolators

Industrial drying solutions

Colloidal processing technologies

Stainless steel standard & tailor-made processing equipment

Liquid & gas process filtration

Inspection of tablets & capsules

Visual Inspection & Leak Testing (CCIT)

Serialization & Aggregation

Secondary Packaging

Solid forms processing

Liquid pharmaceuticals processing